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Soft Pack Spatula 1ea

Spatula yang dapat digunakan untuk mengaplikasikan dan meratakan masker bilas.

Rp 19,000

Product Details

- Untuk masker dan pack yang lebih merata!

Spatula khusus untuk membantu pengaplikasian masker agar lebih merata ke seluruh wajah.
Cara penggunaan
Bilas dengan air lalu keringkan setelah digunakan.


Jangan gunakan untuk tujuan selain yang tertulis di deskripsi produk

Lihat komposisi lengkap

6 Ulasan / 4.5


Rekomendasikan ke teman

  • Way less mess!

    I usually have to apply clay mask with my fingers and I don't like it. The product gets stuck between my fingers and fingernails.

    It's way less messy when I apply the mask with the spatula although I still smooth it out a little with my fingers because some places, like the nose, is difficult to apply without scraping the product off with the spatula.

    It is also incredibly easy to wash!

    Apakah ini membantu?

    Made**** N MAR 07, 2019

    Jenis kulit : Berjerawat

    Umur : 19~24

  • Cheap and Effective

    It works like a dream to apply clay mask and washes off cleanly without stains. It is also flexible enough for you to bend at slight angles e.g. when applying mask around your nose

    Apakah ini membantu?

    Ya* J MAR 03, 2018

    Jenis kulit : Normal / Kombinasi

    Umur : 25~34

  • Easy to use

    First time using and already like it very much. Used it to apply the clay mask onto my face. Easy to apply and able to spread the mask evenly. No more mask left on my fingers and almost nothing left on the spatula allows easy washing after using.

    Apakah ini membantu?

    Ka* C JAN 29, 2018

    Jenis kulit : Normal / Kombinasi

    Umur : 35~44

  • Good price, basic use

    I use this to help apply clay masks. It helps to make a smooth and even layer, but it is not easy to use in hard to reach areas (e.g. around the nose). However, for the price, it's a good product.


    Apakah ini membantu?

    Rach** T JAN 03, 2018

    Jenis kulit : Normal / Kombinasi

    Umur : 13~18

  • Really Easy To Use

    Helps apply an even layer on ur skin

    Apakah ini membantu?

    dily* A JUL 08, 2017

    Jenis kulit : Berjerawat

    Umur : 13~18

  • Applying mask became easier

    Even though it is plastic, this does not harm my skin. It was easy to apply my face mask with it.

    Apakah ini membantu?

    Chih****** C MAY 01, 2017

    Jenis kulit : Normal / Kombinasi

    Umur : 13~18

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