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Jeju lava seawater eye serum 20ml

Eye serum yang terbuat dari Jeju lava seawater yang memberikan energi pada kulit dan mengencangkan dan menyehatkan kulit di sekitar mata yang tipis dan lemah.

Rp 435,000

Product Details

1. Terbuat dari kealamian Jeju serta Yongam Seawater yang memberikan kelembapan dan energi
Yongam seawater yang kaya akan mineral yang istimewa memberikan kembali energi pada kulit dan menghasilkan manfaat anti-aging.

2. Double layer effect untuk kelembapan dan perlindungan
Double layer yang terdiri dari shea butter untuk kelembapan dan keltrol untuk manfaat perlindungan menghasilkan kulit kencang di area sekitar mata

3. Perawatan mata dengan menggunakan applicator untuk memberikan cooling effect
Dengan menggunakan cooling applicator yang memberikan pijatan ke kulit sekitar mata dan melancarkan peredaran darah sehingga menyegarkan dan mengencangkan kulit di sekitar mata
Sains yang dibuat oleh alam, kisah di balik Jeju Lava seawater

1. Jeju Lava seawater adalah air yang muncul ratusan ribu tahun yang lalu dari lava Jeju
Jeju Lava seawater bersih yang muncul dari batu gunung api Jeju selama ratusan ribu tahun

2. Homeostatis yang menjaga agar suhu dan pH air tetap stabil
Menjaga komposisi dan garam walaupun ada perubahan lingkungan luar

3. Karakteristik yang hanya ada di Jeju lava seawater
Jeju lava seawater menembus masuk ke lapisan batu yang terbentuk oleh aktivitas volkanik dan mengandung mineral khusus
Cara penggunaan
Sebelum tahapan cream, tuangkan produk sebanyak 1~2 tetes dan aplikasikan ke seluruh wajah dan leher.


1. Jangan gunakan pada kulit luka, eksim, dan alergi kulit lainnya.

2. Hentikan pemakaian dan segera hubungi dokter apabila muncul tanda-tanda seperti di bawah ini:
(1) Merah, bengkak, gatal, dan tanda alergi lainnya
(2) Apabila terjadi tanda-tanda alergi di kulit setelah terkena paparan matahari

3. Saran penyimpanan
1) Pastikan kemasan dalam keadaan tertutup setelah pemakaian.
2) Jauhkan dari jangkauan anak-anak
3) Hindari penyimpanan di temperatur ekstrim (tinggi dan rendah) dan terkena sinar matahari langsung

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15 Ulasan / 4.0


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  • Okay

    The only good thing about this product is it’s hydrating. My under eyes look more lively and fresh after using it. No improvement on dark circles

    Apakah ini membantu?

    Syaz*** F SEP 14, 2019

    Umur : 19~24

  • This is a good hydrating eyecream

    A highly recommended product if you're looking for an eye cream. I had dry patches around the eyes area and after using it for two weeks, I can seriously see the difference.

    Apakah ini membantu?

    Nadh**** S SEP 12, 2019

    Jenis kulit : Kering

    Umur : 19~24

  • Kem mắt dành cho độ tuổi bước vào lão hoá

    Mình 34t, da vùng mắt bắt đầu cos nếp nhăn dưới quầng và vết chân chim.
    Sản phẩm kết cấu lỏng, dịu, không cay hay kích ứng, thấm nhanh. Đầu sản phẩm thiết kế inox, có thể thoa gạt massage nhẹ vùng mắt khi thoa kem. Thẩm thấu nhanh, không rít.
    Đây là cảm nhận ban đầu. Về sau nếu có cải thiện nhiều mình sẽ lại ghi feedback cập nhật.

    Đang có ý định mua cả bộ này xài.

    Apakah ini membantu?

    Ngọ******* N SEP 05, 2019

  • Cũng bình thường không có gì đặc sắc

    Bù lại mẫu chai nhìn đẹp thôi!


    Apakah ini membantu?

    Phạm********* T JUL 20, 2019

    Jenis kulit : Normal / Kombinasi

    Umur : 25~34

  • 目元がふっくら


    Apakah ini membantu?

    真* 林 MAY 26, 2019

    Jenis kulit : Berjerawat

    Umur : 19~24

  • 不錯


    Apakah ini membantu?

    亞* 林 MAR 05, 2019

    Jenis kulit : Normal / Kombinasi

    Umur : 25~34

  • Using it for 3 years straight, and LOVE IT!

    I've been using this product for the past 3 years and I've to say, I didn't realise I would depend so much on it before I came across it. I was being introduced to this product when I started to invest in skincare and the sales girl in innisfree recommended me this product because she noticed my dark eye circles and puffiness of my eye bags. She told me it would help with both and even though it's really quite expensive for a bottle so seemingly small I decided to give it a try. My dark eye circles did lighten a bit through a few months into the use and I only applied it a little, twice a day, and massaging it only for a few minutes. I blame the lack of whitening effects on my laziness to massage it longer and my continuous bad habit of staying up late every single day, but one thing's for sure, The puffiness the lack of sleep or oversleeping was no longer a problem once I started using this product. And to add, my dark eye circles didn't get any worse after it lighten so I'd say the product is indeed in effect, if not I should be looking 10 times worse than before, given that my sleeping habits didn't change at all. There was 1 month in between the 3 years I went without using it and the puffiness of the eyes was the first thing that came back, along with the dryness and discomfort of my undereye. I always apply make up right after doing my skincare and I didn't realise the world of difference it does to the application of my eye make up (foundation, concealer, eye shadow) and I have to say, the moisturing effects of this product really does help to make the undereye skin less drying and thus helping the make up to stay longer instead of cracking up throughout the day. And I went back to buy it again and I have been travelling tgr with it since then, regardless of how bulky the bottle is compared to the mini versions of others.
    I'd also say that skincare really depends alot on discipline and patience of people and some products, even though it might be super expensive, might not be suitable for everyone. (I'm allergic to a particular ingredient in sunscreen, so even a $70 bottle gives me rashes).
    So I'd say buy with discretion, and it's always better to head down to the stores because the sales girls are very well trained with which ever product that would suit your skin type.

    Apakah ini membantu?

    Meli*** C JAN 28, 2019

    Jenis kulit : Normal / Kombinasi

    Umur : 19~24

  • Don't waste your money

    I have really bad puffiness/loose skin under my right eye because I used to tug on it a lot when I was younger. It started getting a lot more obvious when I started wearing contacts and you could see a very clear puffy line under my eye. I was looking for an eye cream that would help me to firm up and lift my loose skin around my eye and so I was looking around the innisfree eye creams and reading the reviews, however none of them explicitly stated that it was effective in firming up loose skin around the eyes, most just stated that it was hydrating and moisturising. Eventually I decided to get the most expensive eye cream because I figured it should work (because its the most expensive, right?) but unfortunately, it didn't. After a few weeks of using it, I noticed that the line under my eye started to Gey fainter, which made me really happy, however after a month of using it, it just went back to its original state, and looked even puffier if possible. I have diligently applied this eye cream every night and massage it for at least 10minutes before I go to sleep. I don't know if I'm applying it wrongly or if this product is plain useless. In short, for anyone looking for a firming eye cream, don't waste your money on this.


    Apakah ini membantu?

    Aman** T DEC 10, 2018

    Jenis kulit : Normal / Kombinasi

    Umur : 19~24

  • Easy to apply, quick to absorb

    I have sensitive skin at eye area. Most of the eye creams that I have tried are either not effective or oily that caused outbreak. The metal applicator makes it easy to apply. The gel like texture quickens the absorption. The eye really felt moisted! Not very sure about the impact on wrinkles. I am only half way through the first tube will be getting another one.

    Apakah ini membantu?

    Aman** Z NOV 03, 2018

    Jenis kulit : Normal / Kombinasi

    Umur : 25~34

  • Great eye serum

    Compared to other eye creams that i have used, this one is much more effective in getting rid of my wrinkles around the eye. It is also cooling upon contact.

    Apakah ini membantu?

    Luci** C SEP 10, 2018

    Jenis kulit : Berminyak

    Umur : 13~18

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