Lumayan bagus
Baru coba beberapa minggu. So far bagus utk melembabkan, dan gak buat iritasi kulit juga. Cuma harganya agk pricey sih 🥲
Gung** S DEC 25, 2022
ประเภทผิว : ธรรมดา/ผสม
อายุ : 25~34
Bagus banget sukaaa, mama ku suka pol sama yg ini lembut banget, tapi harganya masih bisa di bicarakan inii
Dikulit aku cocok banget sama yg ini
rosi*** F DEC 24, 2022
ประเภทผิว : มัน
อายุ : 13~18
A Really good product for sensitive skin
The simplest, easiest and the most helping product for my skin
Mare*** L DEC 24, 2022
ประเภทผิว : มัน
อายุ : 19~24
Mau coba dulu, belum tahu bakal cocok buat dipakai secara continue apa engga (alias bakal purchase lg apa engga), tapi sejauh ini gaada masalah dikulit wajah 👍🏼
Ay* N DEC 24, 2022
ประเภทผิว : ธรรมดา/ผสม
อายุ : 25~34
Very hydrating
For almost 3 years i been using this product and its good
Wand* P DEC 22, 2022
ประเภทผิว : ธรรมดา/ผสม
อายุ : 35~44
Felt amazing
Left my skin feeling dewy and I looked so shiny and glowy. It also felt very smooth and soft
mile** K DEC 21, 2022
ประเภทผิว : ธรรมดา/ผสม
อายุ : 19~24
Love this product
This product makes my skin hydrated and brightening 💖💖
SHAF* C DEC 21, 2022
ประเภทผิว : แห้ง
อายุ : 19~24
Essential to my night time routine
A simple anti ageing serum that works: It has balancing properties that calms your skin after being exposed to the elements for a full day and leaves your refreshed and hydrated the next morning. Goes well with the rest of the Black Tea line.
Adhi***** P DEC 20, 2022
ประเภทผิว : ธรรมดา/ผสม
อายุ : 35~44
One of the best foam cleanser I have ever tried!
Finding the right foam cleanser can be a challenging task. Sometimes the ula is too gentle, and you are left feeling like there is still a layer of dirt and oil on your skin, and other times, the cleanser is heavy duty but the ula is too harsh, leaving you with clean but tightened facial skin. This one scores high marks on everything you need in a foam cleanser: gentle and nourishing ula and yet the kind of foam and consistency that is able to just sweep your face clean off all kinds of dirt, dust, impurities and whatever may be clogging your pores. Proof is in the toner - afterwards, I swept my face with cotton pad soaked with toaner and it picked up nothing! Amazing. Will be purchasing this again.
Adhi***** P DEC 20, 2022
ประเภทผิว : ธรรมดา/ผสม
อายุ : 35~44
Recomended untuk dibeli
wanginya mild buat yang nggak suka wangi teh dan terasa seger. pertama kali pakai di malem hari besoknya lebih cerahan & kenyal. thankss
Rizk********* H DEC 18, 2022
ประเภทผิว : ธรรมดา/ผสม
อายุ : 25~34