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Jeju Volcanic Blackhead Out Balm 30g

Balm pembersih yang melelehkan komedo dengan minyak vulkanik Jeju menyerap sebum

Product Details

[Balm komedo dengan minyak pijat]

1. Membersihkan komedo di hidung
Balm akan meleleh saat Anda mengaplikasikannya ke kulit, dan melarutkan komedo sehingga membuat kulit lebih bersih

2. Tipe cair yang bisa dicuci
Balm tipe yang mudah dicuci sehigga mudah digunakan, dan membuat kulit berminyak menjadi terasa segar setelah dibersihkan
Volcanic clay adalah bahan yang hanya dapat ditemukan di Jeju
Bahan ini mengandungi zat yang berasal dari lahar pada saat gunung meletus di Jeju, dan dapat berfungsi untuk menyerap kotoran pada kulit.

Bahan yang dapat menyerap Sebum secara aktif pada
permukaan Volcanic clay yang memiliki banyak lubang, maka dapat menyerap kotoran pada kulit dan merawat pori- pori secara efisien.
Cara penggunaan
[Cara Penggunaan] Sebelum membersihkan, dengan jumlah yang sesuai oleskan pada area komedo terkonsentrasi. Pijat selama 3 ~ 5 menit menggunakan ujung jari dan bilas dengan busa pembersih atau air hangat.


1. Jangan gunakan pada kulit luka, eksim, dan alergi kulit lainnya.
2. Hentikan pemakaian dan segera hubungi dokter apabila muncul tanda-tanda seperti di bawah ini:
(1) Merah, bengkak, gatal, dan tanda alergi lainnya
(2) Apabila terjadi tanda-tanda alergi di kulit setelah terkena paparan matahari
3. Saran penyimpanan
1) Pastikan kemasan dalam keadaan tertutup setelah pemakaian.
2) Jauhkan dari jangkauan anak-anak
3) Hindari penyimpanan di temperatur ekstrim (tinggi dan rendah) dan terkena sinar matahari langsung

Lihat komposisi lengkap

8 Ulasan / 4.0

  • Fully satisfying 🤩

    In this day and age of chemical based products, innisfree's products are healthy for skin. Along with care for skin innisfree also thinks about the environment as well as society thus being an inspiration for us. The cruelty free initiative has always drawn me towards innisfree more than any other beauty product brands. So I’ll share a personal experience of mine.. my skin was at the worst possible stage ever.. I had a lot of acne and black heads ... so I tried a lot of face scrubs ... home made scrubs like turmeric paste and all and I even tried waxing my black heads but nothing was successful ... before changing my skincare routine I talked to a lot of my friends and read a lot of reviews ..that’s when I read about innis free reviews on its blackhead out! At first I was reluctant to change my routine as I was afraid that it may cause any more trouble or allergy but I’m not was one of the best decisions.. my skin showed positive results within weeks.. and it’s really true to my skin .. I also use the orchid d&n skincare routine and it’s literally the best!! I’m so happy that i use innis free.. one of the happiest customers 😍 thank you innisfree ❤️

    Apakah ini membantu?

    Shag** S DEC 12, 2020

  • Useless

    Completely useless for my blackheads.


    Apakah ini membantu?

    juli* L OCT 25, 2020

    Jenis kulit : Berminyak

    Umur : 13~18

  • Work best with the silicone finger

    Initially I put this on my 'so-so' list. Not after I combined this with the use of the silicone finger. Patience is needed. Don't try them once and expect a miracle. Consistency is the key. Use them atleast once daily before my facial cleanser. No irritation so far only a healthier skin.

    Oily skin, rejoice!

    Apakah ini membantu?

    Kama*** S OCT 11, 2020

    Jenis kulit : Berminyak

    Umur : 25~34

  • Effective!

    One of the best pore care products I have used. In fact this is one among the first product I tried If innisfree! It’s works like a charm. I washed my face with pore cleansing face wash, applied this balm, steamed my face and then squeezed out all the blackheads and whiteheads. Worked so smooth!


    Apakah ini membantu?

    shre******** V JUN 13, 2020

    Jenis kulit : Normal / Kombinasi

    Umur : 25~34

  • Not good..

    Hard to remove the blackhead and rlly oily

    Apakah ini membantu?

    Lamm*** . APR 01, 2020

    Umur : 13~18

  • Im amazed with the result

    Im using this along with the fingertips silicone , the result was good but when i rub using my own fingers, im so amazed, i rub it on my nose around 20 mins, it should be just 10mins also enough. And I also have tried on my dad’s cheeks and it works! I just rub it for 10mins. I also share it at my twitter account and all of them looking for this 😍


    Apakah ini membantu?

    adri*** A MAR 30, 2020

    Jenis kulit : Normal / Kombinasi

    Umur : 19~24

  • it is better than pore strips!

    it is so nice to use it on your nose as it absorbs some of the cream into your pores/ blackheads.

    Apakah ini membantu?

    nayl* N MAR 21, 2020

    Jenis kulit : Berminyak

    Umur : 13~18

  • Works well, just doesn’t smell great.

    Skin feels smoother and softer after using.

    Apakah ini membantu?

    Beng*** L DEC 29, 2019

    Jenis kulit : Normal / Kombinasi

    Umur : 25~34

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